■기타 (정보 스크랩 등)
put A into B
tie on your forehead
2025. 1. 23. 10:04
put something into something phrasal verb
1 to make money available to be used for a particular purpose
The government appears to be putting more money into education.
2 to use a lot of energy etc when you are doing an activity
Candidates put a lot of time and effort into gaining qualifications.
3 to add a quality to something
These simple recipes put more fun into eating
이 간단한 요리법들은 먹는 것을 더욱 즐겁게 한다.
Put eternity to our hearts
Add eternity to our hearts
1.every one of two or more things or people, considered separately -> every
2. Each and every
3. Each to his/their own