I'll help you be popular! You'll hang with the right cohorts
넌 딱 맞는 애들이랑 같이 놀거고
You'll be good at sports
스포츠도 잘해야돼
Know the slang you've got to know
꼭 알아야 될 유행어도 알고
So let's start
그러니 시작하자
'Cause you've got an awfully long way to go!
너 갈길이 엄청 머니까~
Don't be offended by my frank analysis
내 솔직한 분석에 기분나빠하지 마
Think of it as personality dialysis
성격분석이라고 생각해
Now that I've chosen to become a Pal, a sister and advisor
이제 내가 너의 친구, 자매, 조언자가 되기로 결정했으니까!
There's nobody wiser!
더 잘 아는 사람은 없어
Not when it comes to
인기있어지는 법에 대해서는 말이야
Popular! I know about popular
And with an assist from me To be who you'll be
내 도움으로 될 너의 모습은 Instead of dreary who you were
끔찍했던, 아니 끔찍한 지금 네 모습 대신에
Well, are
There's nothing that can stop you
네가 더 인기 있어지는 것을 막을 순 없어 From becoming popu-ler... lar
La la, la la! We're gonna make you pop-you-lar!
When I see depressing creatures With unprepossessing features I remind them on their own behalf To think of Celebrated heads of state Or specially great communicators! Did they have brains or knowledge? Don't make me laugh!
내가 우울한 생명체들을 볼 때,
그들이 혐오스러운 점들을 가지고 있을 때
그들을 위해 나는 알려줘
그들이 두뇌가 뛰어나거나 지식이 있었게?
They were popular! Please! It's all about popular It's not about aptitude It's the way you're viewed So it's very shrewd to be Very very popular Like me!
그냥 인기있는거야!
그냥 인기야.
적성도 아니고,
그냥 네가 보여지는 방식이야.
그니까 그건 완전 명료해.
완전 완전 인기있기
Why, Miss Elphaba, look at you. You're beautiful!
I, I have to go
You're welcome
And though you protest Your disinterest I know clandestinely You're gonna grin and bear it! Your new found popularity! Aah!
네가 저항하고 관심없어하지만
난 뚜렷하게 알아
새로 발견한 너의 인기성에 대해
크게 웃고 받아들이게 될거야.
La la, la la! You'll be popular! Just not quite as popular as me!